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Blue Apatite Palm Stone


A polished blue apatite palm stone from Madagascar. The deep teal-blue tones are truly captivating.

Approx. dimensions:2″ H  x 2 ” W x 1 1/4″ D

Weight: 5.4 oz

1 in stock


Apatite is a calcium phosphate mineral and a major source of phosphorus. Its name comes from the Greek apate (“deceptive”), as it was often mistaken for other minerals such as aquamarine, peridot and olivine. Apatite ranges from blue to green to golden yellow, as well as purple. Fine specimens come from Brazil, Mexico, India and the U.S. Metaphysically, apatite stimulates creativity and learning. Blue apatite aids communication and self-expression.

Additional information

Weight 10.1 oz


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