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Charoite Oval Sterling Silver Ring; size 11


A beautiful specimen of charoite carved into a large oval cabochon and set in a sterling silver ring band. Features a unique carved bird on each side of ring band.

Stone size approx. 20 x 15 mm.

Ring size 11 only

1 in stock


Charoite is a silicate of potassium, calcium, and sodium featuring a glorious purple color with unique patterns of swirls, feathers, and needles. It may contain patches of black (aegerine), orange (tinaksite), and/or transparent crystals (microcline feldspar). Charoite was discovered in the late 1950’s by Russian geologists and was confirmed by the Commission on New Mineral Species in 1978. The deposit “Sirenevyi Kamen” is located in the Murun Mountains in Yakutia, Russia. Metaphysically, charoite is used for spirituality and increasing awareness.

Additional information

Weight 1.1 oz


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