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Rainbow Moonstone Oval Faceted Sterling Silver Ring, size 8 1/4


A rainbow moonstone cut and faceted into an oval cabochon, set in a simple sterling silver ring. A truly eye-catching ring!

Approx. dimensions: 20mm H x 14mm W x 6mm D

Size 8 1/4 only

1 in stock


Alternate June Birthstone

Moonstone is a gem variety of orthoclase feldspar, a potassium aluminum silicate. It exhibits a phenomenon known as adularescence, seen as a billowy light on the surface of the stone. “Rainbow Moonstone” is actually plagioclase feldspar and is considered to be a colorless labradorite. It’s blue, or multi colored, flash is called labradorescence and is caused by the minerals lamellar structure. High quality moonstone can be found in India, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. Metaphysically, moonstone is used for balancing cycles and protection while traveling.

Additional information

Weight 1.1 oz
Ring Size

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