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Roadside Geology of Oregon


Roadside Geology of Oregon, by David D. Alt & Donald W. Hyndman. Oregon’s story begins with her rocks and this is their story – how they formed through a series of great events that left their mark indelibly stamped on the landscapes and in the rocks of Oregon. This book tells the non-geologist how to read that story and find new meaning in familiar scenes. The authors, both professional geologists, guide the reader along Oregon’s roads explaining the geology in clear and readable prose brightened by numerous sketches and photographs. Their book is comprehensive, authoritative and absolutely up-to-date yet resolutely non-technical and delightfully informal. 278 pages.

Roadside Geology of Oregon, by David D. Alt & Donald W. Hyndman. Oregon's story begins with her rocks and this is their story - how they formed through a series of great events that left their mark indelibly stamped on the landscapes and in the rocks of Oregon.

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Weight 30 oz


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