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Shungite Triangle Pendant


Simple flat triangular shungite pendant with thin waxed cotton cord.

Approx. 1 1/2″H x 1 3/4″W x 1/8″D

1 in stock


This mineraloid was originally found in the Shun’ga Village of Karelia, Russia. Scientists estimate Shungite is nearly 2 billion years old. Onega Lake, near the main Shungite deposit in Karelia, has long been used as a healing spa. The water is purified by the Shungite and can be drunk without first being boiled or otherwise cleansed. Anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic, and antibacterial effects have been observed. There are 2 types of naturally occurring shungite: Noble- containing about 95% carbon and Typical- containing 30% carbon as well as silicates and other minerals. Metaphysically, Shungite is especially protective from electromagnetic stress.


Additional information

Weight 3 oz


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