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Trilobite Fossil Sterling Silver Pill Box


A stunning, large and intact trilobite fossil, set in the lid of a sterling silver pill box. Can also be used for small valuables. Crafted and designed by local Oregon artist Steve Wolf. Trilobite is from Utah, approx. 500 million years old.

Box dimensions approx:1 7/8″ W x 103/8″ D x 3/4″ H

Weight approx: 1.3 oz

1 in stock

Trilobite: Elrathia Kingii

520- 250 million years old, trilobites are an extinct marine arthropod – a family including present-day crustaceans and spiders. There are thousands of known species of trilobites ranging in size from 1 mm to over 2 feet. Trilobite bodies are characterized by three lobes (tri-lobe):  the cephalon (head), thorax (body), and pygidium (tail). They were among the first animals to develop complex, compound eyes, with lenses made of calcite. Trilobite fossils are found on every continent; locations include Utah, New York, and Morocco.

Additional information

Weight 8.1 oz


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