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Blue Chalcedony


A stunning piece of baby blue/pale lavender chalcedony in matrix from Malawi, Africa. Has a fine druzy layer inside, and multiple cavity openings.

Measures approx: 2 1/2″ H x 2″ W x 3 1/4″ D.

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Chalcedony is a variety of microcrystalline quartz that forms in the cavities and cracks of pre-existing rock. While white in its pure state, most chalcedonies contain trace elements and other mineral inclusions that give them a range of colors and patterns. Chalcedony that shows distinct banding, for example, is called agate. Other forms of chalcedony include chrysoprase, bloodstone, and jasper. Fine chalcedonies are found worldwide, including the U.S.A., Brazil, and India. Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes peace and harmony.

Additional information

Weight 12.1 oz


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