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Stilbite, Tumbled


A single stilbite from India, tumbled and polished.

Approx: 1 1/4″ H x  1 1/4″ W x 7/8″ D

Weight approx 18-22 grams each

Photo is sample.

10 in stock


Zeolites are a broad group of minerals, including natrolite, laumontite, heulandite, mesolite, chabazite, stilbite, scolecite and thomsonite, among others. All are hydrous (water-bearing) silicates with a porous crystal structure, useful in industrial applications such as water softening, petroleum and gas refining.  Typically located in cavities in basalt, zeolites are common worldwide, with fine specimens found in India and Oregon.

Additional information

Weight 1.1 oz


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